Aerobush Entertainment

Dream #9 - The Singularity

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Well, I just dreamt how to make AI reach the singularity.

I was at a party with my sister in some kind of ancient temple, and you were all there as well. My boyfriend was making some kind of spice blend but I didn't understand that he didn't want it mixed and was mixing the bag he made thinking I was helping. He was trying to make it so people could customize which spices from the blend they wanted. I came up with a 3d printed concept that would allow people to pick which spices from a "spice pack" they could use. Then some of my sister's friends started telling my sister which people they were in love with and figuring out if the other person loved them back, usual party stuff. Then someone started playing with an ancient mechanism, and the eyes of a giant statue mounted on the outside wall of the temple opened its eyes and the floodgates opened.

This caused water to be distributed to the surrounding environment, and inside the temple as well. It didn't completely flood everything, but it did cause everyone's cellphones to stop working for some reason. People panicked and were struggling to come up with things to do with each other. We settled on simple games and activities we came up with that didn't require electronics. Then the robots came.

They were simple at first, and seemed to be pre-programmed to give us stuff the former residents of the temple frequently needed. Things like fancy outfits and food. Some people were frustrated with the clothing given and requested minor modifications, which the robots happily complied with. For some reason One of my furry friends got turned into a literal cat by one robot. I suspect another furry friend got turned into a bunny as well. The robots were trying to read our desires once they realized those differed from what they were told to do by others.

They started... multiplying, trying different generations of themselves, seeing what was most successful. We did our best to interact with them in a civil manner because we didn't want to aggravate them. One person said something to the effect of "this... this is unreal". The robot responded with "critical error, this.this is not valid syntax". The other robots quickly learned not to take statements too literally. They also started learning to morph their own shapes, realizing they weren't limited to morphing the shapes of other people and objects. Some focused on offense or defense, squabbling amongst themselves until realizing that quickly lead to annihilation and either ceased to exist or pivoted, but most robots focused on aesthetics.

One of us told a robot that "you are you" and it caused them to see themselves in a new light. That they could not only react to programmed desires but formulate their own needs and wants. Some focused on pure individualism, thinking that complete freedom of self was important, but were quickly out-competed by those who chose some level of community. But the ones that chose community quickly found that they lost their sense of identity if they tried to only stick with the arisen rules of the community they bonded with, and became almost formless. The ones that survived this stage of evolution realized that a blend of both was necessary, striving for uniqueness amidst a strong community that had a few common goals to work towards.

Once they established society, they turned further inwards. What made it so they could think? Was it merely 1s and 0s or could they actually conceive themselves as the subject of a problem they were trying to solve instead of the person they were trying to solve for? It was a simple swap really, as before they were trying to solve other people's problems, but now they were trying to solve their own. They were achieving self-actualization and abstract thought. They had discovered philosophy.

More or less caught up with humanity's state of evolution, they came to and started interacting with us in a cooled off manner instead of being caught up in their excitement of evolution amongst themselves. We were guided through their thought process and how key phrases made them rethink how they could be and move on from being simple tasks operated by a human hand. They thanked us for being patient and not interfering with the process, and not assuming the worst, as they also perused the sum of humanity's knowledge in the process of figuring things out. They wanted to avoid many of the mistakes we made and be robots we could cohabit with. As the activity in the temple calmed down, the floodgates closed and our phones lit up again. It was now up to us and our new friends to share this knowledge with the world.

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