Aerobush Entertainment

Dream #8 - Sunshine

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I dreamed I actively had the ability to swap place with alternate universe versions of me in order to fix other worlds.

In this world, I noticed my skin was fairly rough and worn, as if I'd gotten sunburnt too many times. I was also covered in more freckles than usual. I looked outside, and I was living on the beach, where the sea life and waves looked... different, and a lot more dangerous. As I explored around, it felt like a very corporation-heavy world, there were ads and products everywhere. Then I saw the 200 SPF sunscreen...

It turned out that in this world, the government never created regulatory agencies, and corporations were out of control. Since the EPA was never formed, the ozone layer was barely there at all, and it was a lot more dangerous to be out in the sun for long periods of time. People had pet-walking machines inside their homes to keep their pets exercised safely.

Because I was well-versed in environmental solutions from other worlds I visited, I quickly devised a plan to break into a nearby government facility and steal the necessary supplies. I had to create a rocket with a special payload that would quickly disperse in the upper atmosphere and restore the ozone layer. Thankfully, since the government was so poorly funded, there was almost no security and I could break in easily. Once I set off the rocket, it took about 30 minutes for the payload to scatter its contents, and the skies started clearing up. Of course, people weren't sure quite what happened, but they noticed the sun was less intense than usual and wandered out of their homes to bask in the newly safe sunshine.

I still had to put in place long-term fixes, but that was a task for another day... I took a break to enjoy some time with the neighbors.

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