Aerobush Entertainment

Dream #4 - Time Travel Murder Mysteries

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I was a character in a murder mystery / sci fi show, and at one point I interacted with a construction worker who was curious about a device in this mansion we were at. I showed her how it worked and gave her some documentation on it. l I think it was a device that let you control the frequencies of a larger radio remotely by directly affecting the receiving antennae. I did not see her after that, but didn't think anything of it until the next day. Worried, I looked around and found clues that lead to a key and a locked door on the roof that seemed to connect to a small stairway that lead downwards. I heard someone talking, so I searched carefully to avoid being seen and discovered a bizarre chamber with various plants and animals preserved in what looked like sheets of artificial amber. Towards the center of the chamber was a machine of some kind. The mystery person was mumbling to themselves while looking at what recently came out of the machine: a new piece of artificial amber that contained the missing person I was looking for. Terrified, I quickly fled through a side door and back into the mansion where I called for backup. We confronted the mystery person, who turned out to be one of the scientists who lived at the museum, and they said they had nothing to do with the unfortunate death. The construction worker had apparently tripped and fallen into the machine from above, trapping herself and her notes for eternity. I had my doubts about the innocence of the scientist considering the unusual nature of that chamber, but started piecing together the disarrayed notes I saw in the chamber to see if there was a way I could prevent this early demise by traveling back in time and altering her destiny...

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