Aerobush Entertainment

Dream #13 - Queen Mab's Greatest Illusion

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A brave fairy, the first to serve Queen Mab, did an astonishing thing one day...

The waking world, the one we all "know" to be real, is merely a shared hallucination. Alanna knew this, and saw how the ultimate dream powered Queen Mab. For centuries she was okay with it, but over time it grew dark and twisted. Reality, as we know it anyways, started to drain human souls faster and faster as the dreamworld became their only escape. Unbeknownst to humans, the land of dreams was where they had the most power.

Alanna concocted her plan in secret, weaving and influencing the dreams of chosen humans who were strangely attuned to the dreamworld. She became a beacon of hope that left each of them specific instructions, leading them to find each other on waking. One was a famous social influencer, another had a brilliant mind for web servers, and yet another could code the secrets of the universe. Over time they recruited others: an electronics genius, an expert in arcane languages, and one who was deeply in tune with the emotions of others. They each had their unique part to play, and they worked diligently on the strangely specific instructions they received in dreams. Their web of friends slowly grew, reaching far and wide, all of them part of the bigger plan.

When Alanna was ready, she entered into a competition with Queen Mab, demanding a boon. She said she would dance until she found the man on the moon, inviting other fae folk to join. If any of them succeeded instead of her, they were to request the boon in her stead. Queen Mab, amused, allowed the competition and they all danced for hours, even days. Alanna had developed a secret blend of coffee that allowed her to transcend fae limits, bringing the moon closer and closer in its curiosity. Once it was in arm's reach, she grabbed it and flipped the false front around, revealing the man in the moon who was projecting the fake reality on Earth. She demanded her boon: "When any human says 'I cast you out' in Gaelic and requests an orange from you, you must give it to them and allow them to return to the true reality." Queen Mab begrudgingly accepted, doubting that this would have a major effect, after which Alanna stepped inside the moon and sent the Go signal to her chosen humans. They saw the signal from the moon, and quickly enacted their parts in the plan.

Far and wide, they spread the message. "In your dreams one month from today's message, find the most important thing to you from the real world and throw it away. Queen Mab should appear, lured by your intent to discard her reality she created for you. You must then chant "Tilgidh mi a-mach thu fhèin!" and demand an orange." The six friends worked diligently to make sure everyone understood the instructions, helping people learn how to lucid dream and access their deeper emotions. They practiced saying the phrase for when they encountered Queen Mab, ingraining it in their memory. They deployed a website with the instructions, TheQueeness, which they linked and shared and embedded anywhere they could. Billboard signs flickered, showing the url to any would-be travelers, inviting them to participate. Every program beckoned users to click. Servers marched in sync, disseminating and updating objects all over the world.

Alanna watched as everyone did their part, knowing that even if they only reached a fraction of humanity, Queen Mab's illusion would be greatly weakened. All it would need is a nudge to completely collapse. On the special evening, thousands, perhaps even millions, of determined humans did their best to follow the instructions. Some struggled and failed, for it is not easy to give up one's most important thing. But many persevered, determined to see a better world, and Queen Mab was repeatedly inundated with humans demanding an orange from her. Dismayed, she had no choice but to comply, a fae of her word. This orange was a symbol of the True Sun, and upon waking everyone who was successful was greeted by a bright new world full of possibilities. Queen Mab's power waned heavily as more and more people were pulled through the curtain to the True Reality, and finally humanity could heal...

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