I think that maybe we could present more of our own cyphers here. Maybe ask members to email us them (with solution of course). Whether be their own or others that they have solved. Post one every month, with a solution posted the following month along with another cypher. Starting out with the easiest, the earliest ones even. Analyzing the difficulty of them, then once a year present one that is a little more challenging. We could also create polls to get the group more involved. I could have added a poll in the Subject that I just created. "The Rayburn Cypher" To allow members to express themselves in a vote before describing in the thread how they feel about a certain subject, An overwhelming vote one way or another would not mean that a subject is moot. Perhaps the votes would never end. Stirring up more thought. A poll would just show how we feel about a certain cypher as a group, not as individuals. Individual thoughts will always be welcome. Individuality is what sustains a group. (I made that one up). Use this forum to a higher potential than what it is being used. There are a lot of members here, that have studied cyphers and those that are just newbies but just as curious. Also, leaving the start of a thread open may invite more replies and may create more opinions of the cyphers here. Who knows, maybe someone may progress the path to solving one or perhaps, open up a new alley to explore. Is there anything that members would like to see or do in this forum?